[REVIEW] Even With its Familiar Flaws, ‘Detroit: Become Human’ is Quantic Dream’s Best, Most Ambitious Game Yet

I mostly enjoyed Heavy Rain but loathed Beyond: Two Souls, so Quantic Dreams’ games have been hit or miss for me. Needless to say, I wasn’t exactly excited to play Detroit. However, I found a copy for rent at a local Red Box kiosk and since I wasn’t in the middle of anything else (having … Continue reading [REVIEW] Even With its Familiar Flaws, ‘Detroit: Become Human’ is Quantic Dream’s Best, Most Ambitious Game Yet

It’s the Freakin’ Weekend! So What are You Playing?

Friday! Video games! Let's talk! This is bound to be an unpredictable weekend for me, seeing as how I just finished Detroit: Become Human about an hour ago and have no idea what to jump into next. Oops? I mostly enjoyed Heavy Rain but loathed Beyond: Two Souls, so Quantic Dreams' games are hit or … Continue reading It’s the Freakin’ Weekend! So What are You Playing?