[WEEKEND GAMING] Prehistoric Caveboys, PS5 Reveal, and Tip-toeing Around The Shadows!

Wait, why isn't this called "It's the Freakin Weekend" anymore? Well, I'll tell you. It's an R. Kelly quote from his song "Ignition" and the dude is a huge piece of shit. So here we are. Most of my free time has been split between leveling a new Half-orc Barbarian in Neverwinter with the girlfriend's … Continue reading [WEEKEND GAMING] Prehistoric Caveboys, PS5 Reveal, and Tip-toeing Around The Shadows!

It’s the Freakin Weekend! What Are You Playing?

My girlfriend and I managed to finish Maneater last night, which wasn't as fun as we were hoping. The humor was genuinely funny and the locales were unique (bravo to that since the game is underwater), but we were both super frustrated by the controls and erratic camera that seriously got in the way of … Continue reading It’s the Freakin Weekend! What Are You Playing?

It’s the Freakin’ Weekend! So What are You Playing?

My truck is back in the shop, I just failed an exam I drove three hours to take, and my Twitter account was hacked within the last hour, sending around 100 spam DMs to random people about expensive sunglasses. How is your weekend starting off? Since Elder Scrolls Online just received a 20gb update on … Continue reading It’s the Freakin’ Weekend! So What are You Playing?

CA! Radio Episode 119: A New Path…

This week Chuck Zodl and I discuss the beauty of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and their respective DLCs. He goes in-depth with his thoughts on the current For Honor open beta, Yakuza 0, and Resident Evil VII, while I ponder my revisiting of Elder Scrolls Online and Neverwinter. On top of … Continue reading CA! Radio Episode 119: A New Path…

It’s the Freakin’ Weekend! So What are You Playing?

The dastardly weekdays have been captured, burned alive, and hidden deep within the cold womb of the ocean. And like a phoenix rising from the ashes, our temporary hero adorned in masterfully crafted mithril armor, The Weekend. How will you be spending it? I had a pretty relaxing week and somehow managed to stuff 72 hours in to … Continue reading It’s the Freakin’ Weekend! So What are You Playing?